Useful Information
Country Data

Country Data


San José

Land area

51.060 km2 = 0.03% of the planet earth

Geographic coordinates

8º to 11°north latitude

82° to 86º west longtitude

Land boundaries

309 km with Nicaragua to the North

Cañas Jerez Agreement of April 15, 1858

Ratified by the Laudo Cleveland of May 22, 1888

330 km with Panama to the South

Echandi – Fernandez Agreement of May 01, 1941

Administrative divisions

7 Provinces, 84 Cantons, 489 Districts

Highest mountain

Cerro Chirripo  3.820 m

Atlantic Coast

212 km from Punta Castillas to Sixaola

Pacific Coast

1.016 km Bahia from Salinas to Punta Burica

Form of government

Presidential, reelections every 4 years

Universal suffrage: 18 years of age


Rodrigo Chaves Robles

Acción Progreso Social Democrático


unicameral Legislative Assembly with 57 seats


Demographics 2023


5.262 M inhabitants (2020 5.111, 2010 4,570)


Urban population: 82% (2020 80%, 2010 70%)
Rural population: 18% (2020 20%, 2010 30%)

Central Valley metropolitan  area

63% (2020 65%, 2010 55%)


102 inhabitants per sq km (2020 99.77, 2010 88)

Occupants per housing unit

3.1 (2020 3.2, 2010 3.6)

Life expectancy at birth

81 years (2020 80.9, 2010 78.8)

Populaton development


2.28 Mio


3.05 Mio


3.81 Mio


4.57 Mio


5.11 Mio


5.26 Mio.

Growth rate

0.72% (2020 0.92%, 2010 1.3%)


Spanish (official), Patois in the Caribbean regions, five indigenous languages

Illiteracy rate

1.96% (2020 2.14%, 2010 3.8%)


Ethnic groups


Whites (of Spanish and European descent)


Mestizos (of mixed indigenous and white descent)




Afro-Costa Ricans and mulattos

2.5% (approx. 104.000)

Indigenous people of nine tribes
(24 territories of 3.344 sq km in total)



Age structure

0 to 9 years

12.7% (2020 14.4)

10 to 19 years

14.2% (2020 14.8)

20 to 29 years

15.3% (2020 16.9)

30to 39 years

16.3% (2020 16.9)

40 to 49 years

13.7% (2020 12.8)

50 to 59 years

11.6% (2020 10.9)

60 to 69 years

  9.1% (2020 7.8)

70 to 79 years

  5.1% (2020 3.7)

80+ years

  2.1% (2020 1.8)


Life Expectancy at birth


83.7 years (2020 83.4, 2010 81.7)


78.6 years (2020 78.5, 2010 76.5)



1st to 6th grade Primary School 


7th to 9th grade Secondary School


10th to 11th grade Technical College


10th to 12th grade Academic College


Private Schools and Universities


State Schools and Universities



Vocational Training

Average vocational training takes 9 months

National Trainings Institute INA 

Requirement: Completed college education


Economy 2023


85.590 M US$ (2020 61.774, 2010 35.789)


GDP per capita

16.213 US$ (2020 12.238, 2010 7.842)


GDP by sectors

Agriculture 4,5%
Industry 21,7%
Services 73,8%


Tourism revenue 

4.100 M US$ = 6,3% of the GDP


We would like to thank all our guests who have been travelling with us since 1994 in the most beautiful time of the year - their well-deserved holidays. When developing itineraries for groups and individual travelers, selecting our local service partners and caring about the well-being of our guests, we always focus on the highest possible quality standards. Since the founding of Amadeus Travel, we have been committed to sustainable tourism as the only long-term viable form of tourism, e.g. through our social commitment, visiting and supporting private and state nature reserves as well as the training of our team and experienced, fully licenced tour guides.